Monday 24 October 2011

My Last "Nightmare"

My last nightmare started with my friend Carter, my friend's aunt, Ella, an old woman,a baby, and I. We were running from something and ten ran into a house that i always make in my dreams, Next my friend Carter and I ran into the bathroom. It was a simple bathroom, a bath tub with a duck curtain that was able to move, a sink, a toilet, and a window. It was a rather large room even though there was barely anything in it. carter was crying and freaking out. he said we weren`t safe here but i reassured him we were. The next thing i knew blood was raining from the ceiling. I screamed for Carter to get out but he said, ``you said we were safe here!``I hollered back, ``well we`re not now come on!`` We both ran into the living room where Ella was sitting on the couch and the old woman was sitting in the chair. I sat down motionless, it was like we were all zombies, but Carter was no where to be found. After sitting down, the baby sat next to me. It grew millions of long,sharp fangs and tried to bite my neck. It was just about to bite me when i woke up

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